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July 21, 2011

Is al-Qaeda's next terror target Sydney's Opera House?
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Get cash from your website. Sign up as affiliate.Sydney, Jul 21: Once slain Osama bin Laden led al-Qaeda seems to have targeted Sydeney's Opera House as their new terror target. The latest speculation has been emerged after the picture of the Opera House has been published by an al-Qaeda-linked online magazine.

All Australians have been alerted over the possible terror attacks after the recent move of the militant outfit. Police has beefed up security all around country especially around the Opera House in Sydney.

Police has also mentioned about the influence of such magazines on the local Islamic community. The head of New South Wales state police, Andrew Scipione said that the publishing the picture of Sydney Opera House "a really important wake-up call for us all."

"...we should never become complacent to prevent terrorism," added the police officials while talking to the press on Thursday, Jul 21.

However, the actual significant of publishing the picture has been left unclear as the picture was published without any caption. The English-language online magazine published by associates of al-Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula.

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